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Develop  your vision for your future.


Master essential life skills to achieve your goals.


Connect; grow your Circle of Support.


Quickly expand your knowledge through video learning from 


professionals, experts, successful community builders, and inspirational leaders.


Realize your power!


Create your perfect life!



hope journeys


Learning Tools 


Smooth Transitions 4 Teens - Portfolio  

The Power of I Am

Smooth Transitions 4 Teens is written in the first person for a very important reason.

Every time you think or say, “I am”, you are coming from a place of knowing, resolve, and what you are being now.

As you take the steps, creating the life you choose, you are working with the power of your inner knowing.

 This is where your power lies.


Take a Look!

Take the First Step!

 Get a FREE copy

of the I AM Starting Survey

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 Learning Tools

Smooth Transitions 4 Teens will help you realize your power to master the skills for creating your perfect life.  This is more than a book. This is the record of your progress. It is your personal, custom made portfolio to help you walk confidently into your future. Learn it, act on it, feel it and believe it.  

Master new skills and improve the skills you already have. Dozens of video links connect you with career and life skills learning opportunities.  Benefit from  a wide variety of leading experts and professionals in their areas of expertise. 

Learn More about

Hope Journeys

Community Building Choices

Positive Relationship Methods

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Expand Your Learning
Knowledge is Power! 

Does your high school diploma prepare you for life on your own?

Does high school teach you how to manage your money or balance a check book?  How about buying a car, or insurance, or learning about credit?  Will you learn about working in a trade, on the job training, or how to do basic home repairs? With your high school diploma will you learn how to resolve conflicts peacefully, cook, shop for groceries, or familiarize yourself with career options through volunteering, employment or internships?


With Smooth Transitions 4 Teens YOU WILL. 


Check out the video below found on the ST4T video channel GOAL SETTING playlist. Listen to what some high school graduates  have to say.

​​Meet the Vandys

For nearly 3 decades, David and Myra Vandy have trained, worked and lived with over 300 youth from challenging backgrounds. They authored SMOOTH TRANSITIONS 4 TEENS to help youth gain essential skills,  to realize their power to create the life they really want to have. 


The 5 areas of focus are: developing a Circle of Support, strengthening Interpersonal Skillsachieving Personal Goals, mastering Basic Life Skills, and cultivating Career Development options. 


Two YouTube channel links on the Smooth Transitions 4 Teens website  pair hundreds of videos with most objectives in the book. These are powerful tools that make learning from dozens of professionals and experts a breeze.

SMOOTH TRANSITIONS 4 TEENS (ST4T) integrates the proven community and neighborhood strengthening principles of Asset Based Community Development (ABCD)*, The Circle Process* and Positive  Conflict Resolution. 


The Vandys provide practical, multi-dimensional trainings for implementating SMOOTH TRANSITIONS 4 TEENS  for youth, parent and community groups, school districts, charter schools, home schoolers, businesses, youth programs, government agencies,  and individuals.

Trainings can also include Restorative Practices*, Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI)* strategies, and the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics (NMT)*  methods for brain regulation.


David and Myra have extensive experience in the design and  creation of transitional living programs for residential youth agencies that include the 5 areas of focus mentioned above.

This newly updated and expanded training of Smooth Transitions 4Teens grew out of the Vandys  BUILDING CREDENTIALS Positive Behavior Management Trainings which have been successfully implemented by residential youth programs, group homes and crisis shelters with near immediate and sustained, positive results. These time tested methods are now integrated into their SMOOTH TRANSITIONS 4 TEENS trainings. 

* ABCD-Asset Based Community Development 

* Circle Process-  Kay Pranis

* Restorative Practices- Beverly Title

*TCI   Therapeutic Crisis Intervention - Cornell University

*NMT- Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics- Dr. Bruce Perry ChildTrauma Academy

Get Your FREE copy of  their

BUILDING CREDENTIALS 35 Strategies for Building Positive Relationships


Connect with the Vandys to see how their experience can help you 

Working Together



"Whew, where do I even start this? What do I even say? First off, if you ever get the chance to meet these wonderfully caring and passionate couple then you can understand why this is hard for me. I want everyone to know that if they say they care about you, then they really do. Their words aren’t just words, they are words that turn to actions. How do I know? Well they were a huge part of my life in the sense of finding myself as a person. They helped me realize that being whoever I wanted to be in life is ok, and to follow and believe what I wanted. Never would they ever question what I liked or say anything negative about it either. They truly are what you call a power couple and if there was ever a problem you couldn’t deal with on your own they were there to help you in any way possible. I love these two like you wouldn’t believe. So, if anyone knows people, well, they do. They know what helps a person love themselves when you feel like no one else does, or when you feel like everything is crashing down right in front of you. I love the Vandys and I couldn’t be any happier knowing I've met these two while being alive and I thank them for showing me that, 'Its ok to be yourself.' Love you two💛💙"M.T., NC   Youth


Mr. Vandy and his boys 2007-2012 

"I have known Mr. and Mrs. Vandy for 20 years.  I have found them to be individuals of integrity, honesty, compassion with, a deep felt commitment and passion for giving back.

These characteristics guide their lives and the work they have devoted their lives to.  Everywhere they share of themselves, they leave a positive and enduring impact."


D.L. New Mexico, Youth agency administrator 

"I want to thank you for all you have done for me.  I know God put you in my life for a reason, and it is because I really never had that type of encouragement,that helped.

I'm so blessed and honored to meet the most amazing people.  I will never forget you because you two made me believe that there is a purpose in my life."

B.S. North Carolina; Youth

"David and Myra have a gift. They have an amazing ability to realize a vision and will not accept anything less than the best possible result".  


- B.W. - North Carolina; Youth counselor

"The Northside Planning Council is pleased to honor David and Myra Vandy in recognition of their outstanding leadership and dedicated service to their Neighborhood Association and their role in helping Madison's Northside win recognition as national "Neighborhood of the Year" for our collective efforts to improve the quality of life for all residents of our Northside neighborhoods."  


- Northside Planning Council- Wisconsin; Community collective of neighborhood associations.

"The way you have helped me grow as a person and the number of things you have taught me helped to make my life a little easier.  You were a guide to me when I could trust no one else.  You helped me deal with a lot of personal issues and understood me when no one else could.  You helped me grow and mend relationships that were broken years ago.  I can't write enough on how you have helped me, but you help everyone, or at least try.  Thanks for everything!"

- M.L. - Wisconsin;  Teacher, Champion High School basketball coach, leader, beloved nephew;

rest in peace. Love you forever Mikey.

"I know of no people who have gone as far in committing their lives to the well-being of kids and families than you.  Not only have you taken them into your home, you have gone into big dormitories full of them.  You've devoted much energy and many hours, days, months and years developing meaningful materials to guide them in their lives.  You have strengthened neighborhoods, and schools to become more sensitive and supportive of their kids.  Indeed, you have increased the capacity of states to serve children and youth more effectively."

-J.U. - Wisconsin Statewide Treatment Foster Care agency owner.

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