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hope journeys


Learning Tools 


Building Credentials



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TCI- Cornell University




Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics

NMT practices are included in Smooth Transitions 4 Teens trainings where appropriate.

Used with permission from the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics: Child Trauma Academy, Dr. Bruce Perry

The 6 R’s of NMT

(Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics)

Repetitive - Happens multiple times, over a period of time


Rhythmic - Has rhythm, like music, dance or exercise


Relevant - Can see the benefit and importance of doing


Relational - Strengthens bonds with others, especially those close to us


Respectful - Feel valued and appreciated when or after doing something


Rewarding - The payoff is worth the effort


Some Brain Regulating Activities

     Dance                     Music

    Painting              Campfires    Exercise/Yoga/Walking

               Board Games                Storytelling/Fairy Tales






What  makes YOU feel better?


Hope Journeys


Learning Tools â€‹

Crisis Intervention

.The Crisis Intervention techniques below are used in Smooth Transitions 4 Teens trainings where appropriate.


The blend of Crisis Intervention, the Circle Process and NMT are powerful, effective methods to help young people as well as adults gain positive control of their emotions and actions. The result is improved self awareness, self responsibility, self confidence and success. 




                 I ASSIST


 I   -  Isolate the situation


 A -  Actively listen


 S -  Speak calmly, 




 S -  Make Statements of


        before requests or



 I -   Invite person to

       consider positive

       outcomes and



 S -  Give Space- it

       allows for

       consideration of

       requests and

       avoids focusing on



 T -  Give Time for the

        person to

        process and

        respond to request



               I ESCAPE


Resolving Conflicts Positively and Peacefully


      Isolate the conversation, not the person.  Remove the audience, if there is one


E    Explore the other person’s point of view

S    Summarize what you heard the other person say

C    Connect feelings with behavior (When you feel ___, you ___)

A    Discuss alternate (different) ways of behaving when feeling _________ , different ways of handling stressful situations

 P   Practice the different way of handling the situation

E    Enter back into the routine when calm

   Source: Therapeutic Crisis Intervention; Cornell University


Hope Journeys


Learning Tools 

Building Credentials


is divided into three major sections:


Personal Responsibilities

Personal Characteristics

Personal Goals


BUILDING CREDENTIALS  makes the oftentimes challenging task of positively guiding the behavior of a young person easier.  It decreases power struggles.  


BUILDING CREDENTIALS makes it desirable for a young person to take self responsibility. They know exactly what the expectations are and understand that they will receive the benefits they have chosen to earn.  It is similar to having a daily job. 

Because a youth starts each day with a clean slate, he or she is motivated to earn desired privileges.  Realizing that

the responsibility for displaying negative behavior is a personal choice, young people gain the self control they need positively.  Youth become more consistent in their efforts to earn greater freedom, privileges and autonomy.  

​The goal for those who are resistant to begin working in their SMOOTH TRANSITIONS 4 TEENS Portfolio is for them to eventually want to.  Blending life preparation objectives into the daily routine,  combined with incentives, praise and rewards, creates an atmosphere where credit is given where credit is due. Consistent effort toward the personal goals  and vision chosen by the youth will grow from within.  


  • ​​​​​​​The greatest reward anyone living and working BUILDING CREDENTIALS can earn is the ability to positively motivate themselves and to create a real plan for their future. 


  • Employing the many methods and strategies described in BUILDING CREDENTIALS will help you develop excellent skills for working with youth.  If you are well motivated and maintain an overall positive attitude, your success in helping a young person prepare for his or her future will be the natural outcome. 


  • Self-regulation and building strong, healthy relationships are cornerstones of the foundation of BUILDING CREDENTIALS.


David and Myra Vandy


 20+ consecutive years certified in the use of Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI). Using the principles of TCI and  the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics (NMT) created safe, regulated environments, in partnership with up to 12 teens at a time. Great success in multiple residental and transitional youth programs, community building projects, and program development for community based and residential youth agencies. 


Hope Journeys


Learning Tools 

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