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Methods and Strategies




Re-creating Healthy Communities,

Working Together with Common Purpose.


Studying on the Grass


​I want to live on my own. Where do I start? 

I ask Myself:

What  can I do that will help me learn the skills I need to live successfully on my own? 


I study at home, learn online, at my own pace.


Even if I have little or no help, Smooth Transitions 4 Teens (ST4T) will help me create my path forward. I read The Power of I AM.


​Once I start, when I initiate, I will find others who can help me.  As I continue to act, one thing will lead to another. My Circle of Support will begin to grow.  People tend to help someone who is already working toward a goal. ​


There are 2 YouTube video channel links on this website, ST4T and Hope Journeys. These video playlists help me easily learn and master many of  the life skills everyone needs for living on their own.


I explore topics taught and described by dozens of YouTube experts.​​


 The I Am Starting Survey helps me decide what's most important to me as I prepare for my future.


I identify My Personal Goals 


 I create a Vision Board that shows and describes my goals. I look at it daily. I read my goals aloud.



In my ST4T portfolio, I have at my fingertips all the required information i need for employment applications, rental agreements, school and legal documents and more.


I practice the methods for preparing my education and career path. I check out the Volunteering, Internships and Employment categories.


The more options I  experiment with the more I will learn. The more informed I am the more intelligent decisions I'll be able to make for my future.


I record my progress in my copy of ST4T. I am building my resume!

 Smooth Transitions 4 Teens helps me in  many areas of my life !​​

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How can I improve my relationship with my teen and help him or her be prepared for life on their own?

I ask Myself:

What are the biggest challenges I face as I help my teen prepare for independent living?


Smooth Transitions 4 Teens helps me and my teen reach daily, weekly and long term goals. They record accomplishments as I facililitate efficient learning using the fill-in-the blank framework of Smooth Transitions 4 Teens (ST4T).


I can use ST4T as my homeschooling tool to assist my teen in developing personal plans for his or her successful future.



15- 30 minutes a day will help my teen meet achievable goals, with minimal assistance once we complete initial steps and get into a routine.


It's easy to monitor progress, set  and modify goals, and record achievements. 


I check out the ST4T and Hope Journeys video channels to prepare, to learn and teach myself first.


I get creative! 

I turn things like weekend outings, vacations or grocery shopping into incentives with specific ST4T objectives in mind. I build in incentives, and promote input and leadership from my teen.


I make sure he or she feels heard, which encourages buy- in and initiative.


​i learn healthy ways to calm down, develop self-control, and get my own needs met. I check out Interpersonal Skills videos on the  ST4T video channel.  Young people are more likely to follow my good example when they see me modeling it.


I choose to resolve conflicts peacefully with my teen and others. I learn about and practice the very effective and proven strategies of the Circle Process on the Hope Journeys video channel.  â€‹


I help my teen build a Circle of Support.  I check out the Circle of Support category in Smooth Transitions 4 Teens. 


I develop strong, positive communication and listening skills with my teen. I enjoy myself, I laugh!


I establish clear, consistent expectations with my teen that are flexible which include his or her ideas.  


 I find incentives and creative ways that will positively motivate my teen to stay on track. I change my expectations sometimes. I Listen! I take responsibility when I mess up.


I explore all of the categories of Smooth Transitions 4 Teens but especially the Volunteering, Internships and  Employment categories to help my teen understand the methods for planning ahead and developing big picture thinking. â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹


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There is one tool for homework/online learning,  individual and classroom assignments that can be effectively integrated into career, education and life skills mastery for teens:
Smooth Transitions 4Teens

I ask Myself:

​What are the biggest challenges I face in the classroom when teaching my students the skills they will need to live successfully on their own?


What's a great video we can watch for homework, a classroom activity, assignment or discussion? 

​ST4T and Hope Journeys YouTube Channel video playlists are paired with objectives found throughout the book. 

I review the entire book to get the big picture of its' contents. 


How can I make time to check in with each student throughout the day?

Meeting each student as they come in the door each morning reinforces positive relationships. A check in question about how they're doing can alert me to struggles, successes or challenges they may be having. 


What incentives will foster self-motivation and family involvement?

I ask my students!


How do I include my students in decisions or plans that effect the whole class? I use consensus decision making.


What methods can I use to help my students become regulated when they are upset or have conflict ? 

I integrate regulating activities that help balance physical and emotional needs throughout the day using  NMT  and  Circle Process 


I positively manage behavior in my classroom. I learn and regularly practice methods that help my students resolve conflicts peacefully using Restorative Practices.  When these expectations and methods are taught, learned and practiced, students regularly initiate to find and agree upon equitable solutions.


I increase family involvement and build partnering relationships by assigning daily skill building activities as homework, that the teen can do at home.  I encourage family participation, input, choice and control.


​​​​​I integrate the Circle Process for group planning and other purposes


​ST4T is an easy to use IEP tool with students and their families.  


I turn ST4T objectives into fun activities that can be used as incentives for students to earn rewards while learning and achieving at a high level.


I use ST4T as a community engagement tool for connecting students to real world experiences like Volunteering, Internships and Employment

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All Hands In

Community,Agency and Government Partners

How can we initiate to help create more successful outcomes
for our youth?

I ask Myself:

​How can our organization build a strong team and strengthen true  community engagement  with real partnerships? 


How can we, as a co-equal team, instill buy-in and willingness to work together to accomplish common goals?


Who on our team has the loudest voice?  Is everyone heard equally? Who is affected most by decisions made by this team? 


Is decision making accomplished through true concensus?


We can be more effective in resolving conflicts or differences of opinion among our team members, using the effective and proven methods of Circle Process and/or  Restorative Practices.  Consensus decision making is much more likely using these methods.


What resources can we use to help our kids and those who work or live with them handle stress and other challenges


We can promote community cohesiveness by focusing on the capacities and gifts of youth who have been excluded from community lfe because of labels that have been assigned to them?​


Can focusing on capacities of youth be more effective than focusing on needs and deficiencies; and how can we implement that?


How have our past efforts on behalf of youth produced benefits as well as negative effects; and how can we improve? 


How can we share authority and decision making with those most affected by decisions we want to make.


Do we see  youth as possessing assets or as people in need?  What strategies can we use to focus on the assets of youth rather than deficits?

 We check out  the proven neighborhood strengthening methods of Asset Based Community Development.  ABCD


How can we best participte in teaching and providing basic life and career development skills including Volunteering, Internships and Employment initiatives? 

We check out the entirety of Smooth Transitions 4 Teens to get the big picture and to brainstorm ideas.


​Nearly every objective in ST4T is correlated with a video playlist found on the ST4T and Hope Journeys YouTube Channels. These are excellent learning tools for adults and teens.


What real life experiences can be incentivized and earned by youth, so they can be trained, connected and prepared for a productive future?


How can we establish buy-in with clear and consistent expectations for our group members so they will want to stay invested in this commitment to our youth? 


What are incentives we can use that kids and adults will be willing to work toward, that will also demonstrate the rebirth and renewal of healthy, connected communities?​

​  â€‹â€‹


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"I have known David and Myra personally since 2005 and professionally since 2014.  Within a short period of time after the Vandys joined our team, we saw a dramatic increase in performance outcomes of the residents.  

The Vandys created supervisor and staff manuals that have  improved efficiency, organization, accountability and professional skills.  Their work in documenting our existing programs as well as introducing new strategies for greater performance contributed greatly to our very successful program recertification."  â€‹D.H. North Carolina  Owner special needs residential facility.

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