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Asset Based Community Development - ABCD

Lots of Services, Yet not much seems to change…. Why not?

Programs and services that focus on addressing challenges can be valuable assets for individuals and communities, especially when they work in real partnership with those they are intended to assist.

Challenges in a community are usually identified by what's missing, by listing needs and deficits, often done by outside agencies that specialize in addressing those deficits. However well-intentioned an outside agency may be, when a service is perceived by those being "served" as something being done to or for them, they may resist.

When a person’s need to have real control in making their own choices is not met, they are led to become more dependent on something outside of themselves. Calling on their own inner strength to co-create solutions results in buy and ownership.



(What is NOT there) (What IS there)

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Services to Meet Needs Connections & Contributions

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Consumers Citizens

“Programs are the answer” “People are the answer”

SOURCE: When People Care Enough to Act: Mike Green

Ask, Don’t Tell

· Using questions boosts outcomes, helps others reach a realization on their own because they’re figuring out their answer to the question or how they feel about it.

· Questions increase buy-in because a person or community’s answer to the question is THEIR answer, not someone else’s.

· Questions encourage listeners to commit to the conclusion

Change minds by removing roadblocks and lowering the barriers that keep people from acting

Identify what’s preventing change from happening and remove that barrier

SOURCE: The Catalyst: How to Change Anyone’s Mind: Jonah Berger

ABCD- Professor John McKnight: Five basic Resources People Use to Make Things Better


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