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  • Writer's pictureST4T

Things I Can Do to Help Myself and My Community Become Stronger and More Connected

·        I take a minute to talk to people I see every day, at the grocery store, at school or work, at the gas station…

·        I talk to a neighbor I have never introduced myself to before

·        I smile as I’m walking, passing by others

·        I organize a get-together that includes food

·        I share something I have made with a friend, a neighbor, or someone I just met

·        I volunteer a few hours a month, to contribute to a project or organization I want to support

·        I identify things that are working in my neighborhood and share those stories with neighbors. Stories inspire change!

·        I connect in person with people of all ages

·        I take time to study the references below in Smooth Transitions 4 Teens, including the related videos, to get ideas


Smooth Transitions 4 Teens- Circle of Support, pages 22-24

ST4T Video Channel- Circle of Support:


Future Community Connections (Creating Community- Asset Based Community Development – ABCD, pages 96-98

Hope Journeys Video Channel- Community Building Methods playlist

Build your strong Circle of Support! Start by getting your copy of Smooth Transitions 4 Teens

I slept and dreamed that life was joy

I awoke and saw that life was service

I acted and behold,

I found that service was joy


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