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The act of thinking about doing something compared with actually doing it is often a matter of how we think and talk to ourselves and others. 


"I'm thinking about..." or "I'm going to...", "I'm getting ready to...", "I might...", "I'd like to...", or "I hope to..."; we kind of leave ourselves an out. Our intentions are good but we often fall short by not getting started, or by making a half-hearted effort. We are not acting or being what we want to be.


The Power of I AM

Hope Journeys- YouTube: The Power of I AM Playlist:​​

 Speak and think as if the action is already underway or completed. 

 Use the words 'I AM'

Picture it so in your mind. Come from that place of power.  


Page 1 of Smooth Transitions 4 Teens describes this power we all possess. Use your power, create the life you really want! ​

I AM Starting Survey

When you think about what you might want to do or accomplish in your life, what kind of work you'd like to do, where you'd like to live, or just identify what your interests might be, it really helps to think about what's important to you.


When you take the I AM Starting Survey in Smooth Transitions 4 Teens you'll begin to get an idea of what the big picture of your life could look like. Connect to your future! Take the First Steps!


Request your I AM Starting Survey​

ST4T- YouTube: 10 Steps to Creating My Perfect Life Playlist


ST4T- YouTube: I AM Starting Survey-10 Steps to Creating My Perfect Life:​

10 Steps to Creating My Perfect Life

When you start to think about your future, about the kind of person you want to grow into, start to brainstorm for yourself. Create a perfect picture of living, loving, and being in the life you want - now. Of course, you have to act on this vision you've created, always thinking and speaking from the power of I AM. Live the 10 Steps, create your perfect life! 10 Steps starts on page 16.​

Create Your Vision Board

Write out your vision in a sentence or two. Cut out colorful pictures, words and phrases from magazines, collect photos you may have, or other special things. Glue or thumbtack them to your vision board. Hang it where you will see it every day. Read it, rehearse it, see yourself living your picture perfect life.


​Live it! Be it! Do it!


"You must find a place inside yourself where nothing is impossible"

Dr. Deepak Chopra

ST4T- YouTube: My personal Goals and Objectives Playlist

The Power of I AM

"Empty your mind, be formless and shapeless, like water"


Bruce Lee​

ST4T- YouTube: 10 Steps to Creating My Perfect Life Playlist


My Personal Goals and Objectives

Got to page 193 in Smooth Transitions 4 Teens 

Read the life stories and quotes. Take some time to think and identify goals, even if they change or may not be clear right now. 

Page through your book. Get some ideas. Practice methods for choosing a career and educational path. Put the pieces together-they're all there!

Make a little quiet time.  Just be with yourself and your picture of the future

 you - now.​​

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