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A Call to Action

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Re-creating Healthy Communities,

 Working Together with Common Purpose.

Young people all around the world are coming

of age in this era of the existential perils

of climate crisis, health and addiction crises,

social and political upheaval.


They are inheriting huge challenges.

See Authors Challenge: Smooth Transitions 4 Teens; (pg.224)


Consultation and Trainings

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"I found both David and Myra to be highly motivated, creative thinkers and planners.  It was very evident that they possess the talents and skills to design and implement a wide variety of programming for staff and youth.

They were able to improve and expand our relationship with many providers and local residents.  They initiated grant donations and community projects, which will have a long term benefit to our organization.

Both David and Myra possess the rare combination of administrative and programming skills."

D.P. North Carolina

Youth agency administrator.

"Well, it's been 7 months since you came and changed our little world.

We have seen an increase in consistency with staff, which in turn brings compliance and a pleasant home atmosphere to our group home shelter.

Staff has something solid and reliable to implement as a team and all move in the same direction.

Thank you again for all your help and training.  It was nice to be trained by someone who could relate to the realities of group living."

P.W. New Mexico

Administrator, residential crisis shelter.

"The Shelter was in the process of searching for a program to help manage the higher level of youth being referred for services.  

The staff have found the program to be useful for our agency.  

High points are:

* The program provides consistency among staff

* The youth are kept well informed on their behavior and are able to improve on areas they are having difficulties.

* Great motivators for kids

The youth from the shelter are able to use this program as a monitor of their own behavior and it teaches them responsibility."

B.T. New Mexico

Administrator residential crisis shelter.

"Thanks guys!  Thanks for all your efforts in creating this SMOOTH TRANSITIONS tool, which can help students realize some of their goals.  

You would be pleased to know C.S. will be using SMOOTH TRANSITIONS 4 TEENS in our new community based classroom at Cottonwood Mall.  He has a desire and know-how to implement the integrity of your effort.  

Best wishes to both of you again."

S.F. New Mexico

High school administrator for transitioning.

"I have had the pleasure of working with David and Myra Vandy and watching their love for children come to life. 


The Vandys have worked diligently and professionally with multiple team members, such as families, case managers, academic professionals, therapists, and departments of social services.

David and Myra have extensive history and thorough knowledge of working with Independent Living Programs, have written their own book on the subject, and developed programs.

I worked very closely with the Vandys, and found myself going to them on a daily basis, seeking advice and encouragement.  They always keep the best interest of those served at heart.

Their contributions have been very substantial.

A.J. North Carolina

Social worker youth residential facility.

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